Best Friend Fridays Infographic
Less stress. Lots of love.
Best Friend Fridays™ celebrate our pet companions who are always there for us. They help us handle stress and boost our physical and mental health. Having a pet is a Healthy Bond for Life™ that may help you live a longer, healthier life! (And we’ve got the science to back it up.)
Pets get us through hard times.
Pets can help you:
- Deal with stress
- Get more exercise and meet fitness goals
- Feel less lonely and isolated
- Lose weight
- Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Recover after a health event
Owning a dog can help prevent chronic conditions such as diabetes and depression. Simply petting a dog helps lower blood pressure.
Pets make work better.
- 47% of pet owners feel anxious about leaving pets at home when they go to work.
- 31% would consider changing jobs for a pet-friendly workplace.
- 41% would take a pay cut to bring their pet to work.
Having a pet around while working can help:
- Reduce stress
- Increase productivity
- Improve employee satisfaction, teamwork and collaboration
At work or at play, pets are the best. Take time each Friday to celebrate your pets and all they add to your life. Post a photo or video using #BestFriendFridays.
Learn more about Healthy Bond for Life’s Best Friend Fridays at
View the printable infographic:
Best Friend Fridays (PDF)